Although it didn't take me too long to feel at home again in Hamburg and Kev was awesome with getting the apartment up and running, I am finally now feeling like we are done getting settled. Kev and I have, a pact I guess you could say, that we do not go to IKEA or home decorating stores without one another. They are just too awesome to do by ourselves! There are so many cheap options for tables, photos, candles, plants, etc. And trust me, when you don't know if you will be staying in the same home the next year, cheap is a must!
There were two rooms in our apartment that we were not sure what to do with but didn't love the way they were. For the first month I was here, the spare bedroom was used more as a storage closet than a Schlafzimmer (you all should have the privilege of learning German, too!). After the final home shopping trip, and some furniture movement, it feels and looks like a guest bedroom!!
Schlafzimmer |
The kitchen was the other room that needed some major help. There was very little space for storage and the awkward table we had in it made it look tiny! It took an Ikea trip and 2 trips to another home store until we found the perfect cabinet unit (which is actually meant to be used as a bedroom dresser).
Küche |
Küche |
The living room and bedrooms were pretty easy to get situated and just took a few finishing touches. We love, love, love our apartment and area that we live in. Since we are living on the ground floor, we even have a small garden (now I just need a green thumb) complete with a grill. I am now completely reacquainted with the bus and train schedules which makes getting downtown and to German class so much easier (and cheaper when gas is 80 Euro a tank!). We have only had to drive one time to the grocery store since I've been here and there is even a local market that goes on in our square every Friday and Saturday.
Schlafzimmer |
Wohnzimmer |
Wohnzimmer |
Wohnzimmer |
Garten |
I hope you all enjoyed the virtual tour of our place! Tschüss!
1 comment:
Looks amazing!!! Love all your little accents and embellishments! Can't wait to see it in person in a few months!! :)
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