Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hamburg Miniatur Wunderland's Dirty Little Secrets

Caution: Inappropriate photos, don't say I didn't warn ya!

Last year I wrote a post overviewing our visit to Hamburg's Miniatur Wunderland, the world's largest model train exhibit. We went again at the beginning of the month when Jocelyn and Doughboy were visiting. Since I had already seen the exhibit, I was able to appreciate the detail that goes into such a display.
Seeing the people gives a good idea at how intricate the Wunderland is!
The designers of the Wunderland have literally captured every scene you could imagine, from a miniature volleyball game on the beach of Miami, to a riot outside the Hamburg HSV Soccer game, to a miniature crime scene. The engineers even made the exhibit seasonal complete with mini Santa Clauses and scantily clad "Miss Clauses."

What I'm going to tell you about is all the "dirty little secrets" of the Wunderland's miniature scenes. One of my girlfriends first told me about one of these and my interest piqued when our exhibit pamphlet included "lovers amongst the flowers" as one of their many scavenger hunt items. Once Jocelyn and I found our first sighting of a lady sunbathing topless out of her tent, it was game on. We changed from mature (ahem!) middle twenty-somethings to giggling teenagers who saw their first set of private parts. So, enjoy what we found and imagine how many are still out there in the 1,300 square meter display. I hope it gives you all the laughs it gave us!

Not so dirty: the riot outside the soccer stadium
The scene that started it all! 
"Lovers in the flowers"
Crime scene with a body in the river, hard to see, I know
Notice all 3 things going on here?
In case you didn't notice
Frisky barn action
Just a typical German co-ed sauna!
Staying late at the office
That's all she wrote, folks! Tschüss!

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