Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

This is an exchange between myself and the only other American girl on the team today. It definitely doesn't seem like Thanksgiving here in our parts! I don't smell the turkey cooking, there is no NFL on our German TV, and I definitely won't be participating in the Black Friday shopping madness (bring it on, cyber Monday!). It does, however, really bother me that some stores are opening as early as 8 p.m. tonight. It was a fun shopping tradition when the stores opened at midnight or later on Friday, but in typical consumer driven American style, we are now allowing the need to find good deals for material things outweigh the importance of a day to spend with our families.

Although it doesn't feel like thanksgiving, I think I should keep the real reason we have Thanksgiving alive and give thanks. A few things I'm thankful for these days:

My family and friends back home: Those that are back in the states and Canada, you know who you are. I think about you often, miss you, am thankful that you're a part of my life, and look forward to seeing you soon! I'm a big fan of the phrase, "It's not goodbye, It's see ya later."

My hockey family and friends: Although this family can change year to year, I am blessed to meet amazing people and with them, celebrate our traditions and share many of life's ups and downs.

My health: Although I am currently battling a congested head, overall I am extremely lucky to have good health and that's something I don't take for granted. 

The Sun: It sounds silly, but living in a city where overcast days seem to be the norm, I am really grateful every time the sun peeks through. I can't think of a better way to start the day than to wake up to the sun shining through the blinds. 

Running: I am thankful for my ability to run and to have running be a part of my life. Even though it frustrates me many times, I am grateful for the times it also allows me to just think and relax.

Technology: While living abroad, things like skype, Facebook, this blog, and smart-phone apps are what keeps me in the loop and in touch with those I miss back home. I love being able to watch my goddaughter grow up by the photos I see on facebook and to be able to constantly message in a group chat with my hometown girlfriends. 

In the midst of eating turkey, drinking wine, and celebrating together, I hope all of you back home are able to take some time to count your blessings and remember what Thanksgiving is really about!

And then get your butts out into the cold and buy lots of stuff. Tschüss!

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