Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sweaty Saturday

My training week in review:

Sunday: 14.25 miles, average pace: 8:24 per mile. Currently my longest run ever, but I suppose I will be having my "longest run ever" a lot leading up to April!

Monday: 2.73 miles, avg. pace: 9:09. I felt Bruh-uhtal on this run. I didn't do a very good job refueling and rehydrating after Sunday's run and it really took an effect on my body today. Had a fever and lots of aches Monday night. Lesson learned: Wine is not a proper source of energy post-long run!

Tuesday: 4.46 miles, avg. pace: 8:38. Had a bit of speed tacked onto the end.

Wednesday: SPEED 4x1000 meters with 90 seconds recovery. You will quickly learn that I one thing I do love to do is intervals!! I'm a miler at heart so I love me some speed.

Thursday: Didn't have time for a run between work and class so I settled on a quick ab workout thanks to my Nike Training i-Phone app.

Friday: Run #1: 6 miles, avg. pace: 8:12. Felt great and was really enjoying a new route!
            Run #2: 2.83 miles, avg. pace: 8:28 with some quick strides in there. Strength training.

Saturday: 3 x 1 mile repeats with two minutes recovery.

Weekly mileage: ~42 miles

I continue to learn how much of training is mental. I used to dread distance runs, thinking "45 minutes?! Ugh, that is so long!" Don't even get me started on the long runs! But now that I have done a couple runs just short of two hours, I'll see those 50 minute runs on the schedule and think, "oh really, that's all?" Such a large part of my journey towards a marathon will be training my head to really push the limits and change my view on running in general. Although I never truly looked forward to long runs, I always enjoyed the time spent conversing and bonding with my teammates, many of whom are and will always be my best friends. Now that most of my training is done alone, I am able to adjust my viewpoint and see my longer runs as an amazing way to explore Hamburg and see parts of the city that I may not have otherwise.

Like that cool playground above in the middle of a forest of trails. Not that I have kids of my own to bring to it, but I never would have found this without my running! I've been running with my phone lately to use nike's GPS app, so I'll try to snap any other cool things along the way.

Speaking of kids, Ida may be my favorite girl baby in the entire world. Now I didn't want my only little nephew, Cole, to get jealous so I made sure to clarify. I said girl, Cole, you are by far my favorite little man and I miss you! Ida is just at such a fun age right now (18 months) and I can't get enough of her. She loves animals and although she can't speak much yet, she knows how to oink and moo with the best of them.

Don't you just want to squeeze her?? More German lessons for you all as well!

Now that I have already digressed from the running theme of Sweaty Saturday, I'll let you all go. Enjoy your weekend! Tschüss!

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